Số 15-A15 khu Đầm Trấu, phường Bạch Đằng, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, Tp. Hà Nội

0975 478 583

0975 478 583

Đang truy cập: 37
Trong ngày: 158
Trong tuần: 902
Lượt truy cập: 5717942

Dung dịch hiệu chuẩn (Calibration), liên kết chuẩn NIST, ERA, USA

Dung dịch hiệu chuẩn (Calibration), liên kết chuẩn NIST, ERA, USA

Dung dịch hiệu chuẩn (Calibration), liên kết chuẩn NIST, ERA, USA

Liên Hệ

dung-dich-hieu-chuan-calibration-lien-ket-chuan-nist-era-usa - ảnh nhỏ  1
Quality Control Products  
Cat # Product Description Product Type
011 Aluminum - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
013 Arsenic - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
015 Beryllium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
018 Calcium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
019 Chromium VI (hexavalent) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
020 Total Chromium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
021 Cobalt - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
022 Copper - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
023 Iron - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
024 Lead - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
025 Magnesium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
026 Manganese - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
027 Mercury - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
028 Molybdenum - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
029 Nickel - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
030 Potassium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
031 Selenium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
032 Silicon - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
033 Silver - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
034 Sodium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
035 Strontium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
036 Thallium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
037 Tin - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
038 Titanium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
039 Vanadium - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
040 Zinc - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
042 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
043 Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen (TKN) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
044 Ammonia as Ammonia (NH3) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
045 Ammonia as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
046 Bromide - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
047 Chloride - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
048 Cyanide (free) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
049 Complex Cyanide - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
050 Fluoride - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
051 Nitrate as Nitrate (NO3) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
052 Nitrate as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
053 Nitrite as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
060 Phosphate as Phosphate (PO4) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
061 Phosphate as Phosphorous (P) - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
062 Sulfate - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
063 Phosphorus - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
064 Silica - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
065 Bromate - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
066 Chlorate - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
067 Chlorite - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
068 Perchlorate - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
127 pH 4 Pt Calibration
128 pH 4 Pt - cs of 6 Calibration
129 pH 4 Liter Calibration
131 pH 7 Pt Calibration
132 pH 7 Pt - cs of 6 Calibration
133 pH 7 Liter Calibration
135 pH 10 Pt Calibration
136 pH 10 Pt - cs of 6 Calibration
137 pH 10 Liter Calibration
141 pH 4, 7, 10 Pt - cs of 6 Calibration
985 Ammonia as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
986 Ammonia as Ammonia (NH3) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
987 Bromide - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
988 Chloride - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
989 Fluoride - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
990 Nitrite as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
991 Nitrate as Nitrogen (N) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
992 Nitrate as Nitrate (NO3) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
993 Phosphate as Phosphorous (P) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
994 Phosphate as Phosphate (PO4) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
995 Sulfate - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
996 Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen (TKN) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
997 Cyanide (free) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
998 Complex Cyanide - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
999 Sulfide 1000 mg/L, 10 mL Calibration
974 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - 1000 mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
975 MBAS/LAS Surfactants - 1000 mg/L Calibration
976 Total Organic Halides (TOX) - 1000 mg/L, 2 mL Calibration
978 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) - 1000mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
14500 4000 NTU Formazin Turbidity Std Calibration
14510 20 NTU Stabilized Turbidity Cal Calibration
78102 Ammonium as NH4- 100 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
78104 Ammonium as N- 100 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
78202 Acetate - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
78212 Iodide - 1000 mg/L, 125 mL Calibration
981 Ion Chromatography Calibration
982 Phenol - 1000mg/L, 500 mL Calibration
508 Flame AA Trace Metals Calibration
524 ICP Trace Metals Calibration
530 Flame AA Cations Calibration



Số ĐKKD 0107587398 do Sở KHĐT Tp. Hà Nội cấp ngày 06/10/2016

VPGD: Số 15-A15 khu Đầm Trấu, phường Bạch Đằng, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, Tp. Hà Nội
Hotline: 0975 478 583
Email: [email protected]


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